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Bilateral Talks

Participants 53
Meetings 124

Profile views

Before Event 56112
After Event 196505

Pula Boat Fair 2015

Business to business event
Bilateral meetings between Enterprise Europe Network members
Pula Boat Fair, 15th October 2015
Croatian Chamber of Economy and Enterprise Europe Network Croatia are pleased to invite you to participate on the business meeting which will take place within the Pula Boat Fair, in Marina Veruda Pula, on 15th October 2015.

Business to business (B2B) event

The event aims to offer to the Enterprise Europe Network members the possibility to meet other firms operating in the same sector with the objective to present and discover new products and services, to explore new business opportunities, to find new potentials clients and suppliers, to find partners for joint venture or innovation projects.

Who can participate

The event is addressed to firms operating in the nautical sector, both as products and services suppliers.

The main sectors of interest:

  • Shipbuilding
  • Nautical equipment
  • Metal processing
  • Renewable energy sources
  • Engineering and design
  • Plastics 
  • Services
  • Others

How does it work

The registered firms will be visible in this web site and it will be possible for the potential partners to visit their company profiles.
Therefore, each firm will have the possibility to select the more attractive firms for their business and request a meeting with them. 
On the base of the requests, a personalized agenda will be elaborated for each firm. This agenda will contain the program of the meetings scheduled for the business to business event of the 16th October. Each meeting will last for about 20 minutes. 

Why to participate

The Pula Boat Fair is important fast growing fair event of the nautical sector in the Adriatic area. Therefore, it represents a very attractive international window event for firms that want to promote their products and find new business opportunities.
Costs:  Free of charge
Participation on the business to business PBF is free of charge and participants will get all the necessary materials, accreditation to enter the fair, coffee and refreshments during breaks.


October 05, 2015: Online registration (insert your cooperation profile) 
October 12, 2015: Choose interesting profiles and book your b2b meetings
October 15, 2015: Business to Business meetings


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  • Marina Veruda
    Pula - Croatia
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  • Pula

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  • Pula Boat Fair

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